Saturday, April 25, 2009

Kiss Kiss

Does kissing up to the boss really get you anywhere?

How many companies have you worked in? That should just about equal the number of people you have clearly seen 'Kissing up to their bosses' in the hope of getting a promotion or being retained in the event of firings.

Maybe it is the economic downturn? Maybe it is human nature? Maybe it is the lingering effects of El Nino? Or Global Warming? Whatever the reason - it seems there are more and more butt kissing employees every day.

So, the question is - does this work?

From what I have seen I would say yes it does! These butt kissers are still employed with the companies I know them to be at.

Yes! I return or see them in passing and they proudly announce they are still there.

As if this is a good thing!

20 years... same company... same level of employment... The business world has changed on them and they are not even aware of it.

They boast at home that so many others have come and gone, and yet still due to their butt kissing prowess - they are still there though! All these people, these mere mortals who don't know how to play the game right that have left the company in that time - did not know how to 'Play the Game'!

Good luck to you Butt Kissers and Lickers! The world is beating to a different drum... but your head is too low kissing away to hear it!


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