Saturday, April 25, 2009

Inventors and Risks

The title of this blog is '20 Day Work Month'. The goal is to encourage readers to see the world of work from a different perspective in order to achieve their own successes.

Today I shall talk a bit about the inventors of Google - Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

The story goes that Google has its beginnings as a research project by Page who was joined by Brin whilst they were students attending Stanford University studying for their Ph.Ds.

After attracting a modest US$1.1 million investment, Google was started in a garage in 1998 one year after the domain name '' was registered.

For those who don't already know, the word 'google' is a misspelling of the word 'googol' which is represents the number 10100.

Stop! Did you see what the lesson to be learned here?

It's a lesson that these two young men were willing to take Risk. Yes. They were willing to create a product and then risk it all by devoting their life and work towards their goal.

How has this paid off?

Sure, one can easily say they are amongst the richest people in the world - they indeed are! However, they are also rich because they:
  1. Identified and opportunity
  2. Created a product
  3. Had the business savvy to get the required financial backing for their product
Take back the clock almost 20 years prior. Around the start of the 1980's there was another young man working in a garage on an operating system called MS-DOS... Do you know his name?

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